Community Care Centre
Brighton Church of Christ Community Care is a joint operation involving other local churches, to provide emergency assistance and low income support to people in our area.

BRIGHTON CHURCH OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CARE provides Emergency Assistance and Low Income Support for people in the local area.

This may include:
- Food Vouchers for Grocer with a Heart
- Limited assistance with Utility payments
- Help with prescriptions
- Help with infant formula/nappies etc.
- Clothing & Household goods where needed.
No referral or appointment necessary but I.D is required. (e.g. Pension Card, Health Care Card)

Fresh fruit, vegetables and bakery goods are available on request.
Low cost clothing, manchester and a variety of household goods, toys, books, etc. are available at very reasonable costs.
Our Op Shop is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
We are located at 69 Sturt Road, Brighton, 5048.
Tel [08] 8298 7677 Email:
Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10 am to 1 pm.
Mission Statement

To provide a kind, caring and understanding environment, where practical support can be provided for all who come to us for assistance.